
BYOD Portal


Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is tech selection for parents, made easy

Enter the code you received from your school and start shopping for technology selected specifically for your child’s learning environment.

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What is BYOD from JB Hi-Fi Education?

BYOD stands for Bring Your Own Device (to school).

The BYOD portal provides access to education-specific laptops, tablets,
accessories, insurance and warranties on behalf of schools across Australia. Each product has been carefully selected by our team of experts to ensure they are supported by your education provider’s ICT infrastructure.

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Why use BYOD from JB Hi-Fi Education

Are you a parent or guardian of a student in a participating school?
The BYOD portal gives you access to:
  • Education-specific pricing (only available online)
  • Products carefully selected and approved for use by your school
  • Extensive range of accessories and extended warranties
Get all of this on the JB Hi-Fi BYOD portal.

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BYOD programs for primary, secondary, and higher education

We supply schools and universities across Australia with access to the latest technology via our BYOD program. Each device will meet the recommended minimum hardware and software specifications required for learning at your education provider of choice.

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